
The person who attempted the theft offence was caught red-handed


Thanks to the vigilance and dexterity of the police officers, the person who attempted theft offence was caught red-handed.

In accordance with the information provided by the Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the person who attempted the theft by breaking the door of a store on S. Rustam street in the Nasimi district on December 17, at about 5 o’clock, was detained and handed to the Police Station No. 21 by the officers of Special Police Camp for the Protection of Diplomatic Representations, reporting directly to MPSD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who was serving at the area.

As a result of the investigation, it was established that this was a resident of the capital, previously convicted S. Zeynalov. It was also established by operational measures around him that he also stole 558 manat and tobacco products from another store on December 7.