Issuance of lost property certificate
Findings bureau was established as a part of structure directly subordinated to the Main Police Department by the order of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan under No.52, dated 02.02.2006. It functions on the basis of legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, legal normative acts of the MIA and MPD.
The bureau staff consisting of 2 police officers functions from 10.00 to 19.00 and from 10.00 to 18.00 on Saturdays. There is a special schedule board at the entrance of the bureau.
The main task of the bureau is to receive, register, store and return found items and documents received from individuals and legal entities to their owners and state duty is not charged for the mentioned services.
Reception and storage of food and other perishable products is not allowed.
If the citizen applies for loss of item and document then he/she should submit his/her identity card, if he/she applies for the loss of item or document belonging to another person then he/she should submit a power of attorney given on behalf of its owner and certified by the notary.
In the case if weapons, ammunition, explosives, radioactive materials, poisons, drugs and psychotropic substances are handed over, implementation of measures defined by law are provided by immediately informing sentry section of Baku city MPD.
The bureau has a seal for service references.The protection of service documents is provided and the rules of and confidentiality are followed. The officers of the bureau are responsible for storage of the found items and documents.
Working principles of findings bureau:
-If the signs of submitted items and documents found by individuals and legal entities are not indicated, they are received on the basis of the formal application and registered appropriately.
-Submitted items and documents found by individuals and legal entities are received and registered on the basis of the formal appeal on circumstances under which they were found, as a rule, by indicating their signs.
-Received items and documents are reviewed in the presence of person who has submitted them and relevant act is compiled about it.
-If the person applying as the owner of lost item and document proves that item and document belongs to him/her, in other words if he/she indicates its signs precisely or submits a relevant document confirming the ownership of the items and document, registration is carried out in the handover book by returning back these items to the applicant on the basis of his/her formal appeal.
- If natural or legal person could not prove his/her ownership on the found items and documents he/she may apply to the court.
-Submitted appeals on the lost items or documents are reviewed within 10 days and within 3 days in the cases when special inspection is not considered necessary to carry out, and reference signed by bureau officers and approved with seal is issued.
-The found items, unnamed and unaddressed documents are stored for a period of 1 month, in the case when the owner is not revealed then a decision is made on their determination (for charity, etc.) within 5 days on the basis of joint feedback from the departments of Finance- plan and Supply approved by the head of the Baku City MPD depending on their historical, cultural, and other values.
-Personal documents (Ordinary passport, identity card, military card, student card, etc.) are stored for a period of 1 month and if the owner does not apply within this period the following measures are taken:
a) Ordinary passports and identity cards are sent to the relevant structural service of police agencies of the owners’ registered area.
b) To return military cards to the owner they are sent to the territorial government agencies on mobilization and induction to military service;
c) Student cards, mark books, education diplomas and other documents (service cards, scholarship books, plastic cards, driving licenses, etc.) are sent to educational institutions or registered address of the owner, as well as to relevant organizations to return back to their owners;
-Information on the activity of the bureau is provided in the web site of the MPD, the “Police” newspaper and other means of mass media.