Every year the democratic principles, human rights and freedoms, provision of the principles of tolerance are deepening in our society. In our country, embarked on the path of rapid economic development, carried out democratic reforms are aimed at ensuring a decent standard of life. Passed years show that Azerbaijan is a reliable state. State watches over not only their own interests, it is at the same time on the side of law and justice. Now in our country, equality before the law, democratic principles have become a way of life. Realizing that Azerbaijan police also participated in this success - you can breathe freely, feel pride - difficulties of days and months are forgotten.
Sometimes you face the question: what are the criteria of police activity? In general, the criterion of the police activity, based on the supreme goal of the Constitution, is to ensure the safety and protection of the rule of law. Hence, the integrity of human rights, the protection of life and health, safety, humanism and humanity are also the basic principles and for the police. These high values make up the essence of the Constitution of Azerbaijan. The basic principles of police services are reflected in the Law on Police, concretise activities of police in society.
5 article of the Law "On Police" regulate the activities of the police to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Thus, according to the law, police treatment to anyone in a degrading manner, is unacceptable. Forcing the perpetrators or suspected of committing a crime to give testimony or to confess guilt in committing criminal acts, threatening them and others, torturing them, exert physical or moral coercion on them is prohibited. Pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 5 of the Law, while limiting the rights and freedoms of an individual, police officer must explain the grounds and reasons for the limitations as well as the related rights and obligations of that person. Pursuant to paragraph 5 of this Article, the police shall ensure the implementation of the rights of the detained or arrested person. Pursuant to paragraph 6 of the Article 5 of the Law "On Police", in the case of violations by the police of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the person the police shall take the necessary measures to restore the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the person, to make amends.
Today in our country, regardless of nationality, social attitudes, social status and religion, everyone is responsible before the law. The principle of inevitability of punishment for any wrongful act applies to everyone. This is one of the basic principles of modern statehood of Azerbaijan, which was founded by great leader Heydar Aliyev.
Heydar Aliyev said: "The police should have healthy atmosphere, healthy morality. That is, citizens working in these bodies should understand that they were rendered special trust they have special privileges, special powers, they should play an important role in development and strengthening of Azerbaijani statehood. And all that is required to strengthen the fight against crime and with all its forms in Azerbaijan, the rule of law, maintaining the principle of justice in the investigation of each question, and thus the development of the democratization process taking place in our country". A police officer observes the laws and official instructions, performing entrusted to him powers and duties. Azerbaijani police creates its activity in accordance with the requirements of the new period and considers the main criteria for attachment to the state, people, responsible approach to service obligations. As a result, in the field of public safety and protection of human rights and freedoms, the development of activities on the increase - is the reality of our time. Today in the world Azerbaijan reinforced the positive image of a stable and tolerant country, a safe place where the global energy projects, international forums and summits are hold.
International experts emphasized that the socio-political stability in Azerbaijan is irreversible. Strict adherence to the rule of law, the constitution, reliable protection of state interests provide favorable living conditions in the country. And it should be admitted that this circumstance plays a key role in solving many issues. Because where there is no stability, we can't speak about democracy or human rights, or economic development, or solving social problems. On the day of the 95th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Police, President Ilham Aliyev rightly pointed out that Azerbaijan is one of the safest countries in the world, Baku is one of the safest cities in the world: "in Baku during the day people live peacefully, quietly walk in the evening, at night. You, the police officers, are well aware of this, because it is you who control it. In fact, people enjoy life. In Azerbaijan, a very serious fight against organized crime is undertaken."